Thursday, July 4, 2013

Setting up the MongoHQ connection

Heroku/MongoHQ supply guidance in this MongoHQ application note.  Since I didn't use the Heroku command line, I have to manually set up the environment variable.
heroku config:set MONGOHQ_URL=mongodb://[user]:[password]@[host][database]
For reference, here are Heroku's notes on environment variables
I have slightly modified connect function (shown below). I supply a default to the local copy of MongoDB. I also corrected the check for db.password.nil?
def connect
  return @db if @db

  uri = 'http://localhost:27017/mydb'
  if( ENV.has_key?('MONGOHQ_URL')) then
    uri = ENV['MONGOHQ_URL']

  db = URI.parse(uri)
  db_name = db.path.gsub(/^\//, '')

  @db =, db.port).db(db_name)
  @db.authenticate(db.user, db.password) unless (db.user.nil? || db.password.nil?)
When developing locally, I set the MONGOHQ_URL environment variable manually and then start rails.

Setting up MongoHQ

The application that I'm developing runs on the Heroku cloud. Heroku offers add-ons to their basic service, one category of which is database.

MongoHQ is a database-as-a-service provider and is independent of Heroku.  That's both good and bad.  The good part is that I can change my database supplier without changing Heroku.  The bad part is that I'm worried about performance of access between Heroku and MongoHQ.  Just a worry, nothing concrete.

From an application architecture things are bit cleaner for me.  I generate file-based reference data on my local system and push it into MongoDB for use by the application.  My picture now looks like:

I can now simply push my data into MongoHQ without worrying about Heroku.  In addition, I can prototype the database interactions on my own machines running (free) MongoDB and then repoint them at MongoHQ.

Setting it up

Being cheap, I wanted to start with the free MongoHQ sandbox.  Initially I tried using the "heroku addons:add ..." command line.  That failed as I'm using the free Heroku for development and it wanted my account to have a credit card on file.  IMO, if someone doesn't have my credit card number, I can't accidentally do something that results in charges to my account.

So I went directly to MongoHQ and got my account set up.  Even there, it looked like they wanted a credit card until I noticed the tiny link saying "skip this and get a free version".  That worked and I got my first database.

I had an initial point of confusion.  My database was created but I didn't have a username/password with which to access it.  I navigated to the database, went to the admin tab and added a user.  That worked and I could access the DB via my local mongo console.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Storing Binary Data in MongoDB

I needed to store some binary data in my MongoDB database.  I'm hosting my application on Heroku and the app has images that are closer to user data - they aren't part of the build and are added later.  Heroku has a funny file system which gets periodically cleaned.  They say data won't persist in the file system much longer than 24 hours.  As a result, I needed to keep my image data somewhere else and MongoDB seems to be a good choice.

Ruby is really good at easily reading a binary file into a Ruby string.  Ruby strings come tagged with character encoding so that magically just works.  MongoDB only uses UTF-8 encoding and will convert all strings to UTF-8 for you.  Sadly, png files don't convert automatically.

The solution to first convert the Ruby string to a BSON::Binary object.  The acronym BSON stands for "Binary JSON".  That conversion is handled in the BSON::Binary constructor.
io = fn, "rb")
mongo_binary_form =
You can just add/include the Binary object to your persisted object as you would any other data type.
@collection.insert( {png_data: mongo_binary_form} )
The BSON::Binary form is acceptable to use as-is in your send_data() function. The following is a snippet from a controller which returns a png image.
respond_to do |format|
  format.html do
    send_data(mongo_binary_form ,
              :filename => "your file name",

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Basic Ruby API

The official MongoDB Ruby API isn't for beginners so here are some notes.


As with most databases, you connect to it via a client.  You create a new client whose constructor takes the connection parameters.

I haven't spotted any security parameters thus far (user/passwords, etc.)

A client allows one to access databases via the '[ ]' operation.  Accessing a database will create it if it doesn't exist.


A Mongo::DB holds multiple collections which are accessed via the '[ ]'  operation.  Accessing a collection will create it if it doesn't exist.


For basic use, I've come think of a MongoDB collection as an unordered set of associative arrays (aka hash table). I use the word set to imply that there is no natural index to the collection.

One inserts a hashtable into a collection using the #insert method.  MongoDB will extend the associative array with an additional key/value.  The key is "_id" and the value is a BSON::ObjectId.

In his book "Domain-Driven Design", Eric Evans talks about object retrieval.  There are two basic patterns which are by-name and by-property.  In the basic mode of operation, we let MongoDB assign a name (the _id attribute) and we use properties to locate and retrieve objects.

MongoDB Standalone

OSFedora 18

Rather than directly dive into adding MongoDB to my application, I thought I'd try it standalone first and get the bugs worked out.

I started by following the example form the MongoDB web-site:

The example didn't "just work". I needed the 'bson_ext' gem installed.
My Gemfile is now:
source ''

# gem 'rubygems'

gem 'mongo'
gem 'bson_ext'
To get mongodb running, I followed the directions here: mongodb-service-not-running-in-fedora I had to start the service by hand and then enable it to automatically start on boot. The example now passes!